Blast Off With Blazor
Upgrading a Blazor WebAssembly Azure Static Web App from .NET 5 to .NET 6
In this post, I briefly discuss the process of upgrading a Blazor WebAssembly App from .NET 5 to .NET 6.
Blast Off with Blazor: Add a shared dialog component
In this post, we add a dialog to get a closer look at our images.
Blast Off with Blazor: Build a search-as-you-type box
In this post, we build a quick search box that filters our images.
Blast Off with Blazor: Prerender a Blazor Web Assembly application
In this post, we speed up initial load time by prerendering our Blazor Web Assembly application.
Blast Off with Blazor: Build a responsive image gallery
In this post, we build a responsive image gallery using Blazor and Tailwind CSS.
Blast Off with Blazor: Integrate Cosmos DB with Blazor WebAssembly
So far in our series, we’ve walked through the intro [], wrote our first component [], dynamically updated the HTML head from a component [], and isolated our service dependencies [https:
Blast Off with Blazor: Isolate and test your service dependencies
In this post, we refactor our component to inject an API service wrapper, to abstract away a direct HttpClient dependency.
Blast Off with Blazor: Use .NET 5 to update the HTML head from a Blazor component
In the latest post, we'll learn how to update the HTML head dynamically using .NET 5.